Arvedi Endless Strip Production guarantees stable and reliable production
Check out our wordwide references about endless hot rolled roils production

100 million tonnes of green endless Hot Rolled Coils
Since 2009, Arvedi ESP technology has produced around 100 million tonnes of green steel in endless mode(eHRC). The experience gained through these years is reflected in today’s endless steel production layout and features.
11 ESP references speak for themselves
In a history full of records we can look back on 9 running Endless Strip Production (ESP) installations worldwide, which set new standards by their performance. Two more will start up soon.
ESP closes the gap between productivity and quality demands in steelmaking
The upgraded Arvedi Endless Strip Production (ESP) line in Cremona, Italy performs at a world record mass flow of 7.1 t/min, which can be extrapolated into 3 Mtpy. With the target of producing more than 4 Mtpy on one strand soon, we work to ensure a gradual and realistic increase of mass flow, while maintaining stable plant operation and highest quality requirements.
Request paper download: Steel producers overcome the gap between productivity and quality demands with Arvedi ESP
Sophisticated emergency concept in endless rolling
Arvedi Endless Strip Production (ESP) has the most sophisticated emergency concept with the highest reliability. In the- case of downstream stoppages, there is no need to send back full ladles or stop the sequence. Production can automatically switch to plate mode and select other products from the order book for further endless operation.