Smart Services
Electrics & Automation Services
Primetals Technologies values long-term lifecycle partnerships and is dedicated to minimizing downtimes, reducing operational costs, ensuring staff safety, and increasing availability and productivity. Our global service team's vast range of electrics and automation service solutions is designed to support every operational phase in steel production. These solutions encompass service contracts, consulting and software and hardware engineering, maintenance activities management, and migration and upgrade strategies.

Annual electrics and automation service contracts provide access to fast and competent support. Metals producers can tap into our comprehensive knowledge of automation systems, software architecture, and metallurgical processes. Local Primetals Technologies engineers are often involved in the project phase of major investments. They are well qualified to provide technical support at short notice once the installed solutions are up and running.
Modules of a service contract
- Dependable service on demand: Contractually guaranteed availability of experts and fast response times, highest levels of security for your production via remote connection
- Service on working days: Direct access to experts during Primetals Technologies office hours, enabling seamless production on working days using cutting-edge digital technologies
- Service credits: Purchase a set number of working hours as credits and spend them on your electrics and automation services needs
- System adaptations and modifications: Production is subject to incremental upgrades (included in your service contract) and continuous minor changes and modifications to help to keep your system performing at its best
- Condition check for your automation system: Keep your plant automation in “good shape“ and get an early indication of potential weak points — the platform that supports the digitalization of metals production
Primetals Technologies introduces an innovative online collaboration platform for the metals industry. The range of e-services is targeted toward simplified plant management, enabling customers to order spare parts online, take advantage of essential training, instantly access all plant documentation in one place, and use augmented reality applications. All of these features are brought together on the web platform.
Primetals Technologies has developed a subscription license model for several process control (Level 1) and process optimization (Level 2) solutions for steel plants. New releases, upgrades, updates, and fixes are implemented regularly. The application stays up-to-date, enabling operators to benefit from continuous developments, improvements, and inventions. The system's modularity allows single functions and models to be subscribed or canceled, depending on requirements. Newly developed features and functions which become available over time can be implemented on request. The included service package provides remote support in troubleshooting, consulting, training, tuning, or tweaking. New functions become easier and affordable as the customers only pay for what they have subscribed. Clear and attractive annual fees allow financing of operational expenses (OPEX) and predictable costs year after year. Less allocation of capital is required when subscribing to the system.
Key features and benefits
- OPEX instead of Capital Expenditures (CapEx)
- Continuous upgrades and remote services
- Annual selection/deselection of modules
- Small initial and small annual costs
- Continuous operation with an up-to-date automation system
- Using a highly standardized but easily configurable solution
- Less training effort of operators due to continuous minor improvements instead of the installation of a completely new system
Once the decision has been made to invest in a new optimization, automation, or digitalization solution for a steel plant, planned resources must be utilized efficiently, that project execution can be flexibly adapted to changing conditions, and costs remain within the approved budget.
Primetals Technologies extensively uses remote services to digitalize project execution, commissioning, and support projects for the metals industry. The demand for shorter time-to-market and faster just-in-time delivery of raw materials and services, coupled with stricter environmental and safety regulations, means that metals producers face a continuous economic challenge. Primetals Technologies works closely with metals producers to evaluate which services are most suitable for adding value to a project.
Remote services
- Remote project management
- Remote commissioning
- Smart assistance via smart glasses with Augmented Reality technology
- Augmented Reality data and documentation with m.ario (part of our e-services platform
Key features and benefits
- Greater flexibility during commissioning, e.g., faster adaptation thanks to remote connection
- Reduced unproductive times
- Permanent and fast access to complete digital technical documentation
- All experts involved can collaborate and participate online from anywhere in the world
- Precise and efficient problem-solving with Augmented Reality
Primetals Technologies supports and offers studies to co-create YOUR path toward digitalization.
Digitalization is not a one size fits all solution. Every steel producer must define their specific global digitalization strategy and implementation roadmap. Primetals Technologies assists steel producers in the digital transformation of their production plants with specifically selected digitalization and automation solutions and services.
Five steps towards a digitalization roadmap:
- Global target definition
- Plant analysis & benchmarking
- Define the target digital landscape
- Roadmap for the detailed implementation
- Support step-by-step implementation with knowledge & technological solutions
This systematic approach allows for the optimization of the whole production process from raw material to the final product, i.e., decreasing the time required to do stock-taking, improving the accuracy of predictions, improving process stability, increasing the throughput in the meltshop, reducing energy consumption, and assisting with a comprehensive database for cost-effective sourcing.